Tips During Collecting The Car Rental
(Tenerife Car Rental)

Tenerife car rental will make you in smile if these steps are followed.Our tips as a guide for you to rent a car in Tenerife car rental.You have just arrived at your destination and all you want to do is jump in the car and go. There’s a queue, you have the kids with you and the temptation is to just rush everything. It’s quite simple. DON’T.
To make the process a bit quicker and quite frankly for your own reassurance and safety, make sure you do the following:

1)Have your documentation to hand. That’s your passport, your drivers licence, a copy of your car rental agreement and your credit card.

2)Check exactly what you are signing, and what the exclusions are.

3)Walk around the car and inspect the vehicle yourself. Even if you notice the smallest of scratches or dents, make sure that it is noted on the vehicle damage report before you leave. Take photos if there is existing damage.

Once you are in the car:

Familiarise yourself with the vehicle: your seat position, lights, heating, wipers, warning lights.

Choose your radio station before you set off.Better still, take some CDs with you as most rental cars have a CD player as standard. You don’t want to be driving down the autobahn flicking through radio stations and not paying attention to the road.

Have your map/directions to hand or hire a SatNav from the car rental company.

Know the laws of the country you are visiting. The AA gives some very useful advice and insight into European driving.Visit
(tenerife car rental)

Get The Best Car Rental Price
(Tenerife Car Rental)

This is a very competitive world we live in where everybody wants something at a discount price but how do you know that you will always the get the best deal available. Just to save time, most people are happy to believe that the company is looking after them, especially if it is saving them time. To help you sort out a good cheap car rental deal which can be hard for some people, here are a few handy hints that you may find useful; after all the car rental industry has seen increases in recent years that have pushed the cost of motoring up generally.

Always use the internet to reserve you car if at all possible. Internet sites are notorious for good discounts and by using this you could have a really good discount on your rental. By finding other ways to save money you are guaranteed to have a cheaper car rental overall.

When you collect your car it will have a full tank and that is how they expect it returned and you can save a great deal buy finding and using the cheapest gas station to do this before you drop the car off. You will save more than when they make you pay for the gas at an inflated rate. Care rental agencies like regular customers so once you have found a reliable one, stick with them and you are sure to save money each time you rent from them.

Why not see if the rental company accepts air miles as a form of discount on the normal car rental costs. You may find it is worth your while checking to see if cheap car rental is available especially if the air miles are close to their expiry date. Another way to lower the cost of your car rental is by making your reservation as early as possible as discounts for this are usually given.

Seasoned customers know the best time to collect a car is first thing in the morning when the offices are just opening as most of the cheap car rentals are out and not expected back for some time; the chances are you will be upgraded for free. Look for packages like hotels and rental packages or if you want a cheaper car rental find a package that includes air fare, car rental and hotel stay; these packages give you great discounts on all three, so if you're planning to do all, I suggest you get a package deal to get the most out of your money. If you have set budget then why not use a site that can source the car at the price you are prepared to pay for your car rental.

A word of warning though; when the offer has been made, check to see if it is available elsewhere for lower as this often happens plus look at the reliability of the company offering you the car. If you intend to have the car for over five days look for discounts on weekly rental and see what further money you can save at the time you reserve the car. A useful tip if you are flying to your destination is to arrange to collect your car from the rental company's offices instead of the airport where additional costs are usually added to the bill.
Visit to learn more.
(Tenerife Car Rental)

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