All very interesting you might think, but how does that benefit you? Well, just having an idea that this is how the rates work means that with a little flexibility in your travel arrangements you could save yourself a lot of money.
To demonstrate this, let’s take an example of two rental requests with very small differences to the rental but huge impact to the cost.
1. Rental 1 Check out on Thursday morning at 11:30 am Return on Monday at 12:30pm
2. Rental 2 Check out on Thursday at 12:00 noon Return on Monday at 11:30am
While the two rentals look very similar they would be charged very differently. For instance Car Hire Company X will charge Rental 1 out as a 5 day rental on their daily rates, but Rental 2 from the same company would be a 4 day rental on their discounted weekend rates. So, half an hour or so adjustments to your journey can make a big difference.
By John Abrahams.